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Amanda Cadogan

Humanities, Acting

Sarah Lawrence College

University of Chicago

Amanda Cadogan teaches English, Theater, and Social Science. Born in New York City, and raised in the wilds of Massachusetts, Amanda has lived in Seattle, Oxford, London, and Chicago, and has had the pleasure of calling Oakland home since 2012. Prior to finding her true calling as a high school teacher, Amanda spent many years working in both higher and secondary admissions and financial aid. Most recently, she was an English instructor and ninth grade mentor at San Francisco University High School, where she was also a faculty sponsor of FASES, an affinity club for students participating in financial aid, and Spectra, a club that explored topics related to gender and sexuality. Amanda is committed to creating equitable, anti-racist, and joyful classroom cultures, and her intellectual interests include seventheenth-century English literature (especially John Milton); the afterlives of ancient Greek and Roman literature (especially Ovid); contemporary fiction that centers historically-marginalized voices; feminist retellings of myths and fairy tales; and theories of adaptation and imitation. In addition to being a passionate teacher, Amanda is a visual artist, a devoted godmother, and a lover of baking, hiking, and pumping iron.