Rules & Policies


Maybeck seeks to promote a positive, stimulating academic environment in which students can develop socially and intellectually. We are dedicated to respecting students and teachers as people, and rely on the participation and cooperation of all members of our community.

The school is governed by five essential rules, which reflect our concern for the integrity of our educational goals and environment. We also have numerous campus and community policies designed to maintain our friendly and supportive relationships with each other and with those who surround us in the building and neighborhood.

These five rules are in effect throughout the school day, during Maybeck events, on camping trips, and during Special Programs.


We do not tolerate physical or psychological violence.

We do not permit the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.

We require regular attendance.

We expect a sincere involvement in the school on both an academic and a social level.

We do not tolerate cheating or plagiarism (the theft of other people’s thought or work), forgery, or other instances of dishonesty.


Campus & Community Policies

Maybeck students are expected to know and follow the school's policies. For a complete list of campus and community policies, see the Maybeck Student Handbook.


Harrassment Policy

Maybeck affirms the right of all students to engage fully in their academic studies and the school community. Any form of harassment interferes with this right by jeopardizing students’ sense of safety and security at school. Harassment is a form of violence and includes unwelcome verbal, physical, visual, electronic, and sexual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment or that interferes with any student’s ability to participate in school activities.
Harassing behavior can include: racial, ethnic, gender-based, or sexual jokes, insults, threats, or innuendoes; sexually suggestive gestures or unwelcome touching; photographs, pictures, or objects that convey offensive or sexually suggestive content; unwelcome or offensive email, phone calls, or websites.
Any incidents of harassment will be dealt with seriously. If a student feels he or she is being subjected to harassing behavior by students or staff members, he or she should speak with any member of the Rules Committee or the staff.


The Rules Committee

Our respect for the role of students in the school community is reflected in the composition of the Rules Committee: it is made up of two teachers, who serve on a rotating basis, and two students, who are elected by their peers for the academic year. The students and teachers have equal votes in the decisions of the Rules Committee.

Our approach to discipline is non-punitive. We do not have detentions and rarely suspend students. Students who do not meet our behavioral expectations meet with the Rules Committee to discuss the situation. Our goal is to engage students in a conversation about the school’s expectations and their commitment to the standards and goals of the school. A student who cannot demonstrate a commitment to the community may be dismissed.